Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

The Benefits Of Great Webinar Features

By Ken Morrison

The webinar software is an extremely important program that allows a one to many virtual events. It is usually from the speaker to the audience. However, there is usually a limitation in the audience interaction. This program is used to create a virtual web conference.

This program can include a number of things. It can combine polling, queries and even a question and answer component. These question and answer sessions usually allow full participation of all members of the audience. On some occasions, the person who is presenting may speak to the audience through a standard telephone line.

The presenter can point the information out being presented onscreen at the same time. The audience can reply via their own telephone lines or via speaker phones. There are also some programs that allow online chatting. Online chatting is a great function, as it is comfortable and convenient.

A good program should have a number of features that allow the host to have the most functionality from this program. The set up process of this conference program should have email invites and reminder process. The program should also have the details on how to set up and the registration process.

A quality program should also have a post program follow up process. This program has to work in conjunction with some hardware for it to function properly. There should be live screens and a management console. There should also be a webcast manager. This management program allows all events to be completed in a systematic manner.

This webinar software should also have a large database that stores information. This information is necessary for future reference. It can be used by both the presenter as well as members of the audience.

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