Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Understanding What An Automotive Camera Module Alignment Is And How It Works

By Maritza Conrad

Vehicle manufacturers and mechanics continue to make many changes with the aim of raising the safety levels on the roads. Automotive camera module alignment has been one of the introductions and has seen a very huge drop in terms of accident numbers. There are cameras that are placed strategically on the vehicle.

The cameras give the driver good front, side and rear views from the car that are otherwise hard to see. A monitor that displays what each of the cameras is capturing is fixed on the dashboard. The driver can select an option for a split screen to see everything as it happens or just give priority to just one camera.

Another very important feature included is infrared night vision. It is for use at night or in dark places when it is usually hard to differentiate an illusion from the real thing. Once activated, the feature transmits clear images that are just like during the day for the driver to clearly see things.

Very sensitive sensors are also incorporated in such a system. If pedestrians and vehicles come too close to the vehicle then they issue a warning to the driver. This way, drivers have been able to avoid accidents such as hitting pedestrians and other vehicles just because the driver had not seen them in time.

For more advanced options then the system may be made to take control of the automobile at times. Such situations include accidents that happen and are beyond driver control. The vehicle can be veered back to safety, instantly braked or airbags pulled out for safety of the driver as well.

An analog video recorder saves all footage that all cameras capture. The files can then be pulled out by the police to see how an accident happened and what actually caused it. Ensure that you buy a car with automotive camera module alignment and if yours does not have one make plans to have it installed.

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