Senin, 04 Juni 2012

How Important is your Web Portal to Your Company's Business?

By Daniel Turbin

There are a great many firms for whom their web portal represents a significant percentage of yearly sales. In reality for some firms, their web portal represents their entire sales channel ( think Amazon, and the majority of the Ebay Power Sellers ).

If you are among this numberif your website represents a big driver of your company's total yearly sales, then shielding your website is equivalent to protecting your business as a whole. Lose the site, and you have just lost your first sales auto.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are a number of firms for whom the number one point of their website is only to provide shopper information. Agent location, in the case of most auto companies. Directions and particulars about your diverse models, and for these firms, not so many sales ( or maybe none whatsoever ) derive from the presence of the website itself. For these firms, should the website go down, it might be more a case of nuisance and maybe embarrassment than an honest to goodness impact to the final analysis.

In either case, some thought should actually be given to the job your firm's internet site plays in your total sales picture, and the more significant that portal is to your bottom line, the more care that needs to be taken, and the more resources that should be invested in making sure that your business internet site is as safe as you can make it.

Particularly for smaller businesses ( though as the Amazon example illustrates, not Only for smaller businesses ), a firm's website can be a major part of annual sales, and should the company site be hacked, or brought down by a sustained denial of service attack, it can spell real financial trouble.

Don't allow yourself or your company to fall victim to such attacks. Take a bit of time to implement strong security protocols and software driven solutions, then have your website checked intermittently to make certain that the level of protection you have is adequate to the task of keeping the site safe.

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