Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Bipolar Disorder Facts For Anyone

By Morgan Lee

Most people know someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. There are many bipolar disorder facts that can be found by doing a simple search online. Symptoms are usually prominent just before, during and after puberty. Many people are not diagnosed until they are in their late twenties or thirties. If they are not diagnosed and treated sooner, they could be at great risk. Diagnosis is often delayed because many teens and parents feel their mood swings and other symptoms are typical teen behavior.

Teenagers who suffer from this condition often display more anger and aggression than other teens. They get into fights and cause trouble in school. The issues they are experiencing have less to do with what is happening to them physically than what is going on in their minds. Parents are encouraged to do research on the particular issues their teen is having so they know how to deal with them in a loving and understanding way.

Symptoms of BPD are manic behaviors, severe mood swings and bouts of deep depression. They may be hyper and happy one moment and spiral into a crying fit within moments. These symptoms cycle back and forth, leaving the person feeling disoriented, confused and afraid.

A parent should keep a journal of the teen's activities. Psychologists can more easily determine what the specific triggers and problems are when parents tell them what happened directly before the episode. If there do not seem to be triggers in either direction, there are often signs pointing to an oncoming episode.

People with this condition may not realize they have it. They will enjoy being very happy while they are in a manic state and will only report their depressed symptoms to their psychiatrist or counselor, mistaking them to be depression. Young people tend to have episodes more severely and more frequently than an older person.

Patients who go untreated will have a great deal of trouble maintaining solid relationships. They will often be verbally or physically abusive, hurtful, cruel and manipulative of others. Patients who keep a journal of their daily activities can sometimes find patterns to help them determine when an episode might be coming.

Patients are still having trouble, even during treatment or while taking medication, despite the efforts of the scientists and researchers. Being placed in a hospital or institution does not show any results so far. Anyone who has to deal with the symptoms of this condition or has a loved one who has it should go online to get all the bipolar disorder facts and information they can find.

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