Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Adult Onset Asthma - Causes That You Need to Know

By Jairus Marl

Adult Onset Asthma can come anytime and mostly at a time you least expected it. It could happen to you when you are still young or already at the age of 20. Common manifestations of asthma include shortness of breath, recurrent coughing, wheezing, airway lining swelling, and annoying chest pains. If you are experiencing any of these, you might be having adult onset asthma. These symptoms may be present at one point and then disappear but only for childhood asthma. However, adult onset asthma is different because its symptoms could occur on a continuous basis and you will need to take medications regularly to keep it under control. Read on and get to know asthma better.

Women have higher probability of acquiring adult onset asthma than men because of frequent hormonal changes especially during pregnancy and menopausal period. Women who are having colds or flu, taking estrogen after menopause or overweight could be prone to adult onset asthma. Other conditions that could lead to asthma might include allergies and exposure to elements from the environment like smoke, tobacco, dust, mold, perfumes, and feather beds. These are small things that people sometimes neglect especially because it has very slim connection to health but in reality, it causes asthma in adults.

Asthma Education - Its Significance

Asthma education is essential in avoiding the harmful effects of asthma. Being aware of the symptoms will give way to finding out the best treatment. You must have your lung airway activity checked often so that you can take the right medication when needed. Adult onset asthma can lead to swelling in the airways and overproduction of thick mucus which narrows the lung airway because of muscle contraction.

These bodily processes may lead to having shortness of breath, repeated coughing especially at night, wheezing sound while breathing, difficulty of breathing, and chest pains. Adult onset asthma can be confirmed through a thorough medical history. Asthma can be passed on from one generation to another since it is genetic so it is necessary that you have your doctor listen to your breath sounds, perform a lung function and methacholine challenge test, then let the doctor see the results of your X-ray. Asthma education will stop you from doing the wrong things.

Adult onset asthma can be very harmful so it is necessary to be mindful of symptoms and have a ready asthma action plan from your physician. Your action plan will be fit for your asthma characteristics if it is done based on your history and severity of asthma. A good asthma action plan contains a list of medication that you can use during an attack. It also mentions the proper way of administering these drugs. Moreover, the plan includes interventions that you can use each time your asthma occurs as well as a list of contact person you can ask for help during emergency. You must try to learn your asthma action plan by heart. If in case there is something you don't understand, ask your physician about it. You have to believe that health is in fact wealth.

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