Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

The Dangerous Link Between High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

By Jim Karn

Lowering cholesterol is not a difficult thing to do if you really want to do it. For me, I just eat what my doctor asks me to eat, and nothing more. And then I exercise. Works like magic.Folks make a big deal out of lowering cholesterol, and I wonder what they are all about. It's this simple: you want to die, or you don't. If you don't, then you want to lower the cholesterol, and that you do by paying attention to all this stuff that you are reading.

Cholesterol doesn't dissolve, so it stores up in your veins and arteries and gives your heart a whole lot of work to do. If you get rid of it - which is possible, y'all - you could return to living a healthy life. So get rid of it with a fiber diet.I watch my cholesterol levels with roughages, with vitamins, and with fruit. There are a lot of benefits to eating like that; you don't get them all the time from eating fat and calories and all that junk. You might want to restructure your diet then.

To remove cholesterol from your body, you need to bind it back into circulation from where it lurks in the walls of your blood vessels. You do that with roughages, allowing the poison to flow back into your bloodstream, and out of your system.

Cholesterol does not dissolve in blood, and it is contained in a whole lot of the foods that you eat. By finding out which foods have high percentages of it, you can control your consumption of them, and you can get to restoring yourself to better health.

You could be suffering from high blood pressure and not know it. Stuffs like that happen a lot to folks with high cholesterol content in their systems. To put an end to it, you need to get rid of the cholesterol. You need to stop eating some of those junks you swallow and start up on fiber foods.

Increase your fiber! That is like the best piece of information that I have to give a lot of Americans today, because too many people don't even have a clue as to why they seem to be falling ill all the time. It's the cholesterol, but they don't know it; in any case, they can put a lid on that already. Increase your fiber foods.

If you are overweight, there is little question about the fact that your cholesterol is bound to be high. With fruits and a lot of fiber foods, you can begin to turn that around just like that. And I'm not just talking about losing the weight, but losing the cholesterol as well.

The level of cholesterol in your system is bound to affect you whether you like it or not. Besides the fact that it makes you susceptible to a lot of illnesses, it actually killing you by blocking your blood vessels. That's why you have to lower it.

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